Friday, February 22, 2008

AGDA Victoria - 48 "Fall in love again"

f-o-r-t-y e-i-g-h-t with a lovey dovey theme wants you.

Burt Bacharach’s recent coming to town had a profound effect on design.

Join us for a collection of five minute rushes from the designers, or friends, of Hired Gun Design, The Surgery, Tank, The Narrows, Is Not Magazine, 21–19, Ziegler Design, Studio Pip and Co.
Design by Pidgeon, Studio Round and Paperpoint.

Insights from a variety of designers in matters that start with design and beyond. The next profound, lovely, and sometimes scary installment of Forty-eight promises to be great on the night.

Invitation in the post to AGDA members.

Everyone is welcome.

6.15 to 8.15pm
04 March 2008
Book your ticket now
Kaleide Theatre at RMIT
360 Swanston Street

Seats are limited

AGDA members $15/ students $10
Full $25/students $15

Jennine 03 9380 4440

Support our sponsors
RMIT University –
supporting us with the venue
Paperpoint – 9682 9414
paper, paper, envelopes, more paper and yet more paper
Digital House – 9696 9969
printed the invitation