Monday, September 22, 2008

ONE 80 project

Worthwhile? Give it try.

One 80 Project

Have you been hoarding ideas for the next Great Australian Drama? Ever watched a soap on the TV and thought, I could do better than that? Making drama can be a tricky business, so if you’ve got ideas about what should be produced and how it should be directed then we want to hear it!

You don't need a huge amount of expertise; all it takes is one good idea, a willing crew, a bit of gear and some execution! The nation wide competition is open to anyone who has an idea for an hour long drama – submit your 180 second pilot and an accompanying treatment which will then be judged by an expert panel of industry specialists.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The latest from ACMI: Focus On Jim Henson

One of the best shows on television ever created is on show at ACMI now. Showcasing jim Henson's most valued treasure... THE MUPPETS!

Muppets(TM), Music and Magic! Jim Henson's Legacy is celebrated in a special season ranging from rarely screened experimental works to the pioneering puppetry of Sesame Street.

Fondly remembered for his charismatic characters who resided on that most famous of streets, and trod the boards of The Muppet Show, Jim Henson has had a profound effect on contemporary culture.

His fun-fur freakshows achieved global fame, but until recently his many incredible experimental works were rarely seen.

Henson's counter-culture sympathies informed all of his works and are mirrored in the work of animators who followed in his footsteps. We explore this legacy, and behind the curtain to see how his special brand of magic was created.

Focus on Jim Henson

Thursday 4 September - Sunday peek 14 September 2008
Single Session Tickets: Full $13 Concession $10
6 Session Package: Full $60 Concession $48