Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I would like to share a beautiful site created by the Simon Richards team:
Please forward this to your friends and family to win a 20k kitchen.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

XHTML & CSS Lessons

A friend of mine has just started up a new tutorial website, so I thought I would give it a plug here. If any of you guys are interested in learning to build your own websites check out the links below.

"There seems to be a lot of people out there wanting to learn XHTML & CSS but they seem to lose motivation once they first see some code, but any code can seem intimidating and confusing when seeing it for the first time, no matter what the language. The trick is to break it down and to learn it step by step, but before you even start coding, you need an understanding of the bigger picture and how it will all fit together."

Learn XHTML & CSS - Lesson One

Learn XHTML & CSS - Lesson Two

Learn XHTML & CSS - Lesson Three

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Free Hand Drawn Fonts

DesignReviver have compiled a list of free hand drawn fonts. Check them out here.

(Grutch Shaded and Barnes are free for personal and commercial use. The others are free for personal use.)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Free "Destroyed Hearldry" Brushes

I checked out the stats of this blog, and was surprised to see that there are still quite a few people dropping by each day. So I thought maybe it would be a good idea to actually start putting up a few new posts.
So here’s the first post for the new year. Free Photoshop brushes! Thought that they were pretty unique and nicely done… plus who doesn’t like free stuff? There are 10 brushes in the set… and you can download them here.