Sunday, March 4, 2007

Graffiti Research Lab - L.A.S.E.R. Tag

Thought this was pretty cool… a project by the urban communicators “Graffiti Research Lab”. Using a laser pointer, a projector, and some code they laser graffiti the side of a building. If you look closely you can see that the software even mimics paint drips after each tag is written.
Check out the video here.


Brian said...

Very Cool Idea...

Where might one procure such a device?

I simply must have the worlds biggest game of tic-tac-toe :)

Hmm, wonder if I can hook my dvd player up to this thing...

kerrianne said...

I also like the idea. I have sent it on to graffiti friends :)

samson said...

kezza and brian, how are you guys?

Brian said...

Hey Samson! Long time no see...

To quote a friend of mine: It's All Good!

Hows it going?

kerrianne said...

I am well samson, how are you?