Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mark Fennell's flash games

For all those that couldn’t play the “Gesundheit!” game that I posted earlier this week, here are some flash games that are both PC and Mac friendly. All the games have been created by Mark Fennell (who moved from the UK to Sydney and is working at “The white agency”). Never heard of “the white agency” but I’ll add it to the list of Australian Studios on the side of the blog.
Oh and his latest game is Foosball… use the left and right arrows to move your players.


kerrianne said...

well i was very bad at playing that just then :)

susan said...

Yeah I suck at it too…
Just noticed that “Pat Ping Pong” game… hmm, I don’t know that just seems a little… (lost for words).
Well I guess it’s an original concept for a flash game.

Brian said...

Hey, some fun little games there, that 'Pat Ping Pong' game is just weird tho...

I like F18 Strike Force, it reminds me a bit of one my favorite games I used to play as a kid called Zone66. The surfing game seems to have been made for HP...